The Daland Fellowships in Clinical Investigation of the American Philosophy Society 2023

Brief Description:

For those looking to further their research in a variety of clinical medical specialties, such as neurology, internal medicine, psychiatry, pediatrics, and surgery, the American Philosophy Society, or APS, offers exceptional fellowships in clinical investigation. The committee places a strong emphasis on patient-oriented research.

Scholarship Details:

Opportunity Type: Fully Funded

Organized by: American Philosophy Society


Language of Instruction: English

Deadline: September 15, 2022

Duration: 1 year (can be renewed for the second year but he/she must demonstrate competency)


Level of study:

·      Non Degree Program/Certificate

Fields study:

·      Clinical Investigation


Benefits of Scholarship:

·      Stipend of $40,000 for the first year and another stipend of $40,000 for the second one

·      No funds for institutional overhead

·       If the committee realizes that fellow has potential in teaching or providing clinical service the committee will decide to compensate for it whether in form of additional salary or financial support.



·      Have received M.D./PhD degree or have held an M.D. for less than 8 years.

·      This must be their first fellowship in post-clinical training (however, each case will be decided on its merit)

·      Those who have less than 2 years of postdoctoral research and training will be preferred

·      The fellow will have to devote 100% of their time to the research

·      Direct contact with patient is mandatory


Required documents

·      Everything asked in the form

·      With the correct number of copies

·      3 confidential supporting letters

Note: Candidates must be nominated by their department chairman in a letter that guarantees the nominee will work under the supervision of a reputable scientific advisor who has secured enough oom, supplies, etc. for the Fellow, Both the advisor and the Fellow’s activities are not required to take place only in the department that is nominating them. In general, no more than one fellowship will be given to a specific institution during the competition year.


How to Apply?

·       Download the application form to get your application started. Then download reference form.

·       The complete application and three (3) confidential letters supporting the application should be MAILED to:

Daland Fellowships in Clinical Investigation
American Philosophical Society
104 South Fifth Street
Philadelphia, PA 19106

Contact DeLand at the following:

Executive Offices and Museum Gallery
104 South Fifth Street
Philadelphia, PA 19106-3387
215-440-3400 | Fax 215-440-3450

For more information about Daland Fellowships in Clinical Investigation, please visit the official website of Daland Fellowships.


Deadline: September 15, 2021

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