Scholarships of the Government of the Slovak Republic

Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic is offering 48 scholarships for
students from ODA countries to study their bachelor’s degree or Master’s degree in the Slovak Republic.

The specific number of scholarships and the fields of study are specified for each eligible country
distinctly. There are 6 scholarships allocated for Afghanistan (5 for bachelor’s and master’s degree +1 for PhD).  (You may check the list
here to know what number of scholarships allocated to your country.) Students interested to study in Slovak can apply from March 27, 2020, to May 30, 2020.

Level of study:

Bachelor’s degree

Master’s degree


Scholarship benefits :

For bachelor and master:

·        Monthly scholarship of 280 Euros

·        Study commencement stipend 35 Euros

·        Study completion stipend 100 Euros

·        Monthly stipend for public university 80 Euros

·        Discounts offered by relevant sectors of the ministry of education

For Ph.D.:

·        Monthly scholarship of 330 Euros

·        Study commencement stipend 35 Euros

·        Study completion stipend 100 Euros

·        Monthly stipend for public university 240Euros

·        Discounts offered by relevant sectors of the ministry of education

For language preparation:

·        Monthly scholarship of 28o Euros

·        Study commencement stipend 35 Euros

·        Monthly stipend for public university 80 Euros


Ø Dormitory accommodation 46-77 Euro/month

Ø Meals 8 €day >> 240 € /month

Ø Medical examination: 183-264 Euro

Ø Interview related to entrance application procedure 20-80 

Incentive stipend: student with excellent academic performance shall be paid 50 Euro/month bonus for grade point average of 1.3 and PhD students for exams passed by the required deadline: 170Euro/year.

 Fields of study for Afghanistan (Bachelor and Master) : (other countries applicants can see the list in the file linked above)

Ø Teacher Training and Education Science; 7605

Ø Economics and Management; 6213 (except Tourism)

Ø Ecological and Environmental Sciences; 1610

Ø Biotechnology; 2908

Ø Agriculture and Landscape; 4190

Ø Wood Science and Technology; 3331

Ø Forestry; 4219 (except Forest ecosystem services, Forest Technology)

Ø Veterinary Medicine; 4318

Ø General Medicine; 5141 (except Medical Biophysics, Medical, Clinical and Pharmaceutical Biochemistry, Medical Neurosciences)

Ø Dentistry, Dental Medicine; 5166

Ø Pharmacy; 5214

Ø Healthcare Sciences; 5618 (except Dental Hygiene, Physiological and Clinical Nutrition, Physiotherapy, Radiology Technology, Dental Technique)

Ø Public Health; 5607

Ø Nursing; 5602

Ø Mechanical Engineering; 2381

Ø Civil Engineering; 3659

Ø Computer Science; 2508

Ø Cybernetics; 2647

Ø Electrical and Electronics Engineering; 2675

Ø Chemical Engineering and Technology; 2820

Ø Food Sciences; 2940

Ø Transport; 3772 (except Transport Services, Postal Services, Logistics)

Ø Extraction and Processingof Earth Resources; 2118

Ø Architecture and Urbanism; 3507

Who is eligible to apply?

Ø Be from one of an eligiblecountry

Ø Be between the age of 18 –26 years for bachelor and master degree and be between the age of 23 – 35 for Ph.D. degree

How to apply?

Applicants can apply to Slovak Government Scholarships online.

Required documents:

Ø Highest degree diploma and transcript

Ø High school completion certificate

Ø Acceptance letter can be added by August 31, 2020

Ø Birth certificate in English, Slovak, French, Czech or Spanish

Ø Recent photograph sized 3.5×4.5cm- full face with no glasses

Ø Two recommendation letters from

Ø Signed CV

Ø Publications

Ø Signed application

Ø Passport

Deadline: 30th May 2020 

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    • نعمت الله - May 22, 2020

      سلام به شما خوبان من خیلی دوست دارم در کشور سلواکیا ادامه تحصیل در رشته سینما نمایم در این ضمینه به همکار شما خوبان نیاز دارم.

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