How to Apply to Canada Special Program for Afghans

Canada stated in July 2021 that it will provide shelter to Afghans who have assist Canada . It is a unique immigration program for Afghans in Canada. This particular program is open to everyone who has served for the Canadian government in Afghanistan.


·        Applicants meeting the following requirements can apply to the Canada Special program:

·        Be an Afghan national

·        His/her employment involved an important and/or enduring relationship with the government of Canada including but not limited to:

·         Interpreters who worked with Canadian Armed forces

·         Local staff who currently or used to work at the Canada embassy in Afghanistan

·        He/She and his/her family members are living in Afghanistan during application submission

·        Not be inadmissible to Canada.


Eligible family members:

·        a spouse or common-law partner

·        a dependent child who is:

§  under 22 years of age and

§  not married or in a common-law relationship

·        a dependent child of a dependent child (a grandchild) who is

§  under 22 years of age and

§  not married or in a common-law relationship

·        De facto dependents will also be eligible under this special program. A de facto dependent is someone who

·        depends on a specific family for emotional or financial reasons (or both)

·        may live with the family as a member of their household

How to Apply:

·        Please read the eligibility carefully, if you think you are eligible or have a question about this program, you can contact the Canada Government Immigration section following the steps below. please do not contact the Embassy of Canada in Afghanistan.

First Step: Write your email: including the following:

·        full name

·        Birth date

·        Email address

·        Phone number

·        Description of your work with Canadian Government or Canadian Armed Forces in Afghanistan include:

§  Job title or position

§  ID number if you had one

§  the name (s) of your Canadaian points of Contact (if possible)

·        Attach any documents showing your work with the Government of Canada.

Second Step: Send your email: Once your email is ready, you can send it to the following email address:


    • Mohammad Asif Mashar - August 14, 2021

      Hello Dear Sir or Madam.
      I hope your fine.
      This Asif Mashar.
      I am field Satellite Technician IT Engineer Specialist.
      Since 17 years i have Experiences. In Afghanistan and Different Locations. I was worked with ISAF and NATO in Marmol German Capm. I have ID Card. And many Documents. If needed i will send you All my Information. Now i cannot Stay any more in our Country its Dangerously Situation in this days with my Family . So please if it’s Possible please send me any right information.

      Thank you
      Have a great day
      Sincerely yours
      Asif Mashar
      Field Satellite Technician IT Engineer Specialist
      Shah Net ISP
      Contact No: +93-786-379-808

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