Civil Society Leadership Awards Scholarship by Open Society

Fully-funded scholarships to pursue 1- and 2-year master’s degree programs in universities in Europe, the UK, the US and some parts of Asia, is granted to eligible applicants with academic and professional superiority. The program is named The Civil Society Leadership Awards (CSLA) and funded by Open Society  foundation aiming to help applicants to contribute in the development of their communities.

Field of study: 

Ø  Communications,

Ø  Journalism & Media Culture,

Ø  History & Society

Ø  Development Studies

Ø  Politics & International Studies

Ø  Economics

Ø  Public Health Policy & Health Management

Ø  Education Management & Leadership

Ø  Environment & Natural Resource Management

Ø  Public Administration

Ø  Public Policy

Ø  Gender Studies

Ø  Social Work

Ø  Human Rights

Ø  Social Policy

Ø  Law (including Human Rights law)

Scholarship value:

Ø  Preparation courses

Ø  Travel costs

Ø  Tuition fees

Ø  Monthly allowance for living expenses Insurance

Ø  Educational materials funds

Ø  Scholarship Programs conference attendance

Ø Accommodations for disabled applicants



Must be from an eligible country Hold a bachelor’s degree with an excellent academic record Professional related experience have the Required proficiency in the language of instruction (English, German or French) Ability to participate in preparation courses in July or August 2019 and start their degree program in August or September 2019 ability to get and maintain a visa or study permit Commitment to their home country to contribute development. Display flexibility and civil society leadership skills and abilities 


Eligible countries:

Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Cambodia, China, Democratic Republic of Congo, Egypt, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Laos, Libya, Myanmar/Burma, Republic of Congo, South Sudan, Sudan, Syria, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan


Application instructions:

It is preferred to apply online using the online application platform of Open Society linked below.

International selection committee reviews the eligible applicants based on the applicant’s ability to meet the program’s purposes, host universities’ admission requirements, academic merit, applicants’ leadership skills, adequate language proficiency and the completeness of the application. Semi-finalist candidates will be invited to interview via Skype or possibly in person

Deadline: 15 May 2019


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