French Government Scholarships 2019-2020 for Master and PhD

The Eiffel Excellence Scholarship Program was established by the French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs to enable French higher education institutions to attract top foreign students to enroll in their masters and PhD programs.

It gives opportunity to the future foreign decision-makers of the private and public sectors, in priority areas of study, and encourages applicants up to 30 years old from developing countries at master’s level, and applicants up to 35 years old from developing and industrialized countries at PhD level.



Opening of the call for applications: week of October 21th 2019

Deadline for the reception of applications by Campus France:  January 9th 2020.

Publication of results: week of March 23th 2020.



·         Eiffel Programme guide – 2020 Session

·         Only applications submitted by French higher education institutions are accepted.

·         You are an institution and you have already participated in the Eiffel program => You should have received an email concerning the download of application files. If that is not the case, please contact us.

·         You are an institution participating for the first time in the Eiffel Program => Please Contact us in order download the application files.


·         You are a student interested in participating in the Eiffel program : click here



Deadline: 9th January 2020


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    • Anonymous - November 27, 2019

      Hello my name is abdul basir hamidi iam from afghanistan i finshed unvercity i want to get it master digree

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