National Consultant on Montreal Protocol and Energy Efficiency

The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) is the specialized agency of the United Nations that promotes industrial development for poverty reduction, inclusive globalization and environmental sustainability. The mandate of UNIDO is to promote and accelerate inclusive and sustainable industrial development in developing countries and economies in transition.


The responsibility of the Environment Department is to contribute to inclusive and sustainable industrial development by improving the environmental performance, resource productivity and safety of existing, as well as by supporting the creation of new industries providing environmental goods and services. It does so by: promoting industrial resource efficiency to strengthen green industry and improve the effective use of natural resources including in particular materials and water; assisting developing countries and countries with economies in transition to achieve the objectives of and compliance with Multilateral Environmental Agreements; and by working to reduce the release of industrial pollutants in the environment. The Department thereby encourages industrial development for economic growth that is resource-efficient as well as protective of the natural environment and human health, and keeps workers, communities and consumers safe. Its activities serve to improve competitiveness and access to markets, particularly for small and medium enterprises. To this end, the Department acts as the focal point within UNIDO for various Multilateral Environmental Agreements and leads or co-hosts relevant global policy and deployment frameworks, as among them the Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer and its Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer, the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants and the Minamata Convention on Mercury, as well as other relevant international initiatives and conventions such as the Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management (SAICM), the 10 Year Framework of Programmes on Sustainable Consumption and Production (10YFP SCP) and the International Resources Panel (IRP). The department coordinates its service delivery with the services offered by other technical departments, and by other relevant organizational units of UNIDO.

Skills Description:



Core values:

1. Integrity

2. Professionalism

3. Respect for diversity

Core competencies:

1. Results orientation and accountability

2. Planning and organizing

3. Communication and trust

4. Team orientation

5. Client orientation

6. Organizational development and innovation

Managerial competencies:

1. Strategy and direction

2. Managing people and performance

3. Judgement and decision making


4. Conflict resolution

Duties & Responsibilities:

A. HPMP Stage I and II

Assist and liaise with counterpart organizations such as Afghan-Korean Institute (AKI) in finalization of project activities

Updating the inventory for domestic and commercial refrigerator manufacturing sector (DRF and CRF) and survey of any qualified manufacturers such as Sandwich Panel/Spray Foam/other insulation material manufacturers/users

Liaise with AKI and other vocational training centers, and identify and select beneficiary training centers, exchange agreements with parent ministries and government institutes, and estimate the project cost for Stage II


B. GEF Energy Efficiency PPG


In consultation with all stakeholders, government, private sector, and international organizations, prepare detailed outline of planned activities

Conduct baseline survey at selected SMEs to understand current conditions

Conduct surveys at selected SMEs to understand opportunities for improvement in the energy use and production lines

Develop and conduct Gender Assessments (Surveys, workshops, collection of documents) related to project activities with beneficiaries and key stakeholders

Undertake preparation of environmental and social management plan (ESMP) for the project under supervision of UNIDO project manager and NEPA

In consultation with all stakeholders, prepare description of the project implementation and execution modalities and agencies

Liaise, manage and coordination stakeholder engagement activities during PPG (including the work of consultants, workshops, and formation of a steering committee)

Lead the technical discussions with stakeholders, and represent UNIDO in obtaining of co-financing letters from donors, NGOs, Agencies and Government for the project

Develop a stakeholder engagement plan in consultation with the above stakeholders

Assist an international consultant to finalize the project document

Responsible for quality control of translation of the project related documents into national languages

Any other relevant tasks given by program manager and NEPA



HPMP stage I completed and final reported submitted

HPMP Stage II request prepared and submitted


GEF Energy Efficiency Project Document Prepared and submitted with co-financing commitment letters from all co-financing stakeholders, stakeholder engagement plan, taxonomy worksheet, technical & environmental social safeguards (ESS) studies, gender analysis, and project work plan.

Job Location:


, Afghanistan



·         Education: Advanced university degree in the area of engineering, science, environment management, and other relevant subjects.

·         Professional experience of 3 years in energy efficiency, refrigeration and air conditioning sector.

·         Excellent technical writing skills mainly in English language

·         Strong leadership and interpersonal skills and ability to coordinate high level forums with minimum supervision

Job Keywords:

Energy Efficiency, Environment, NEPA, UNIDO, Montreal Protocol



Submission Guideline:



Qualified individuals are requested to send their CV and a copy of Personal History form to the following email address. Applications without a PH form will not be accepted.

Submission Email:


Deadline: 15 June 2019

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