54 vacancies in different provinces

Location: Kabul, Balkh, Kandahar, Herat, Sare pol, Jawzjan, Nangarhar, Baghlan, Kunduz, Laghman, Bamyan, Paktia, Zabul, Takhar, Kapisa, Kunar, Helmand, Ghazni, Panjsher, Nimroz, Faryab, Farah, Badakhshan.

Position title:

Balkh International Airport manager Position rank: 2

Number of position: 1

Location: Balkh

Deadline: 3 December 2019

For more info about the job please click here


Flight safety directorate Position rank: 2

Number of position: 1

Location: Kabul

Deadline: 3 December 2019

For more info about the job please click here

Sar-e-pol and Jawzjan manager of information and statistics Position rank: 2

Number of position: 2

Reference number: 036705 and 030903

Location: Sare pol and Jawzjan

Deadline: 5 December 2019

For more info about the job please click here


General manager of the development budget Position rank: 4

Number of position: 1

Location: Kabul

Deadline: 7 December 2019

For more info about the job please click here


Manager of Executive process simplification Position rank: 2

Number of position: 1

Location: Kabul

Deadline: 4 December 2019

For more info about the job please click here


Central budgeting offices reviewing manager Position rank: 2

Number of position: 1

Location: Kabul

Deadline: 1 December 2019

Salary: 109.600.000 to 164.489.000

For more info about the job please click here


Provincial communication manager Position rank: 2

Number of position: 1

Location: Kabul

Deadline: 3 December 2019

For more info about the job please click here


Expert of structural and task review

Position rank: NTA Grad B

Number of position: 2

Reference number: TA-001-5

Location: Kabul

Deadline: 28 November 2019

For more info about the job please click here


Hairatan town directorate Position rank: 2

Number of position: 1

Location: Balkh

Deadline: 1 December 2019

For more info about the job please click here


Provincial Integration and communication manager Position rank: 2

Number of position: 1

Location: Kabul

Deadline: 1 December 2019

For more info about the job please click here


Provincial Technical and Sector Services manager Position rank: 2

Number of position: 5

Location: Baghlan, Sare pol, Kunduz, Laghman, Herat

Deadline: 1 December 2019

For more info about the job please click here


Technical and Sector Services manager of municipality Position rank: 2

Number of position: 4

Location:  Balkh, Herat, Nangarhar, Kandahar

Deadline: 30 November 2019

For more info about the job please click here


Manager of revenue, calculate and administrative of municipality Position rank: 2

Number of position: 4

Location: Balkh, Herat, Nangarhar, Kandahar

Deadline: 30 November 2019

For more information please click here


Governance directorate of municipality Position rank: 2

Number of position: 4

Location: Balkh, Herat, Nangarhar, Kandahar

Deadline: 30 November 2019

Click here for more information and details


Municipality assistant Position rank: 2

Number of position: 4

Location: Kandahar, Balkh, Herat, Nangarhar

Deadline: 28 November 2019

For more information please click here


Administration and finance manager Position rank: 2

Number of position: 13

Location: Badakhshan, Paktia, Panjsher, Takhar, Zabul, Ghazni, Faryab, Farah, Kunduz, Laghman, Nimroz, Helmand, Herat.

Deadline: 1 December 2019

For more information, please click here


Human Resource Management Position rank: 2

Number of position: 9

Location: Bamyan, Paktia, Takhar, Zabul, Kapisa, Kandahar, Kunar, Laghman, Helmand

Deadline: 1 December 2019

For more information, please click here

Required documents:

·         Degree certificate and transcript

·         Work experience documents with copy of contract if worked with private sectors

·         Photo

·         Application form Update

·         CV

N o t e :

please avoid sending the extra documents The size of documents should not be more than 5 MB Please consider the following points for your documents

Education documents

·         The degree should have verification of the Ministry of Higher Education

·         If the degree is earned from outside the country, aside from being verified by the political delegate of the country and Ministry of Foreign Affairs, it should be evaluated by the Ministry of Higher Education. Therefore, when presenting the degree, there should be a verification form that should be attached to it.

·         The degree earned between (1371 – 1381 or 1992 – 2002) should be reevaluated by the Ministry of Higher Education.

Governmental work certificates:

·         If you have worked on a contract basis, it is necessary that you prepare your contract and other related papers.

Non-governmental work certificates:

·         Having all the contract papers (related to the position) and presenting them is a must.

·         The contracts and the organization should have the verification of one of the authorized offices.

·         According to Article 62 of the employment law, the salaries of the contract based employees should not be less than those in the government; therefore, having the TIN number (for tax) is a must.

Foreign Work Certificates:

·         Having all the contract papers in necessary

·         If the work certificate is earned from outside the country, aside from being verified by the political delegate of the country, it should be verified by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

·         According to article 8 and 34 of the public services employees’ law with the official publication number of 951, having related work experience is a must.

Burned or lost certificates:

If your work experience is verified from the HR department of the Office, it is OK.

How to apply:


Eligible applicants can submit their documents through the online application form

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