About Albironi Kabul Pvt School:
Albironi Kabul Private High School started its successful education services after being registered in the Ministry of Higher Education in the year 1387. Albironi Private High School is one of the most credible and famous High School in the Country with special educational facilities and opportunities available. This High School is the first Private High School in Kabul providing the best educational services with exclusive and exceptional facilities. The Albironi Private High School members are committed to the better future of the students, and responsibly think about their better future. This school has successfully completed 12 years with the satisfaction of both students and their parents.
· Mathematics Teacher (3 vacancies)
· Dari Teacher (2 vacancies)
· Pashto Teacher (2 vacancies)
· Quran-e-Karim Teacher (2 vacancies)
· Talimat-e-Islami Teacher (2 vacancies)
· Science Subjects’ Teacher (4 vacancies)
· Computer Teacher (3 vacancies)
· Physical Education Teacher (2 vacancies)
· Osol-e-Sinfi Teacher (3 vacancies)
Job Requirements:
To apply for this job, the candidates must:
· Hold at least a bachelor degree
· Have three years of teaching experience.
· Be fluent in Dari, and Pashto.
Submission Guideline:
Submit your CV and academic documents to the address below before the deadline.
Address: Hokhtif Alley, Hokhtif Brick Station, Hesse 2, Khair Khana, District 11, Kabul.
Submission Email:
hurmat.albironikabul@gmail.com & albironi.kabu@gmail.com
Deadline: 24 February 2020
ABDULWAHID - February 13, 2020