24 program engineer at UN Habitat

UN-Habitat established a presence in Afghanistan early 1992. The overarching vision of UN-Habitat’s work in Afghanistan is for prosperous, inclusive and equitable human settlements that reduce poverty and contribute to national stability and development. The mission of the UN-Habitat Country Programme is to transform lives through enhancing access to urban land, housing and services, while making systems and institutions responsive to people’s views and needs.

UN-Habitat’s Country Programme Strategy 2016-2019 is focused on three thematic focus areas:

·         Planned and Well-Governed Settlements to enhance the government’s capacity to guide the development of human settlements in a participatory, equitable and accountable manner while ensuring access to basic services;

·         Inclusive Settlements to improve access to affordable land and housing, services and infrastructure for all residents of human settlements with a focus on poor and female-headed households, including IDPs and returnees.; and

·         Prosperous Settlements to contribute to towns and cities being hubs of economic activity that generate sustainable employment and enable residents ─ particularly the young ─ to acquire productive skills.

Integral to each of these Focus Areas are cross-cutting issues of gender, youth, and development of national capacity, environmental protection and disaster risk reduction.

UN-HABITAT has presence in 10 provinces of the country, including five major cities and works in implementing its strategy through six programmes: Afghanistan Urban Peace building Programme (AUSSP), Clean and Green Cities (CGC), City for All (K-SMNP and MGSP), Project for City Resilience (PCR) and the Promoting Early Recovery and Durable Solutions in Informal Settlements of Protracted Displacement and Regional Returns (PERDS- HLP-TF) and SHURA.

City for All (CFA):

UN-Habitat is supporting the Government to implement the City for All (CFA) programme in nine municipal authorities (Herat, Farah, Mazar, Jalalabad, Kandahar, Bamyan, Nili, Kunduz and Kabul), between 2016-2020 through two projects: Municipal Governance Support Programme (MGSP) funded by European Union, and Strengthening Municipal Nahias Programme (K-SMNP) funded by USAID. The two projects have the same overall objectives and follow a similar approach. They will henceforth be implemented concurrently under the umbrella CFA  programme. The expected outcomes of the programme are:

Strengthened municipal capacities and systems for urban planning, land management and municipal finance; (2) Improved municipal service delivery and strengthened social contract between citizens and municipal authorities;  (3) Improved enabling environment  for municipal governance, local economic development and service delivery.




Qualification and eligibility


·         Competencies and skills

·         Requirements Analysis, Design Skills, Project Management, Manufacturing Methods and Procedures, Process Improvement, Technical Understanding, Documentation Skills, Safety Management, Supervision, CAD, CAD/CAM Circuit Design. Education

·         Obtained a bachelor degree in Civil engineering BSc Degree.

·         Work experience

·         Have at least 2 years’ experience in related field 

·         Evaluation criteria: 


What are the main responsibilities?

·         Develops project objectives by reviewing project proposals and plans; conferring with

·         Determines project responsibilities by identifying project phases and elements; assigning personnel to phases and elements; reviewing bids from

·         Determines project specifications by studying product design, customer requirements, and performance standards; completing technical studies; preparing cost

·         Confirms product performance by designing and conducting

·         Determines project schedule by studying project plan and specifications; calculating time requirements; sequencing project

·         Maintains project schedule by monitoring project progress; coordinating activities; resolving

·         Controls project plan by reviewing design, specifications, and plan and schedule changes; recommending

·         Controls project costs by approving expenditures; administering contractor Prepares project status reports by collecting, analyzing, and summarizing information and trends; recommending

·         Maintains safe and clean working environment by enforcing procedures, rules, and

·         Maintains project data base by writing computer programs; entering and backing up

·         Maintains product and company reputation by complying with Municipal and state

·         Contributes to team effort by accomplishing related results as

·         Experience of working with


·         Knowledge of labs and technical specification and reading

Application instructions:


Applicants should submit their P-11 forms to the submission emails before the deadline. Please mention the vacancy number of the position (CTG-UNHAB-CFA (25/04/2019) on the SUBJECT line of the email. Only short-listed candidates whose applications respond to the above criteria will be contacted for an interview. 


Submission email:


career.ctg@gmail.com  and    vacancies@unhabitat-afg.org

Deadline: May 3 , 2019

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