Brief Description:
Applications are invited to apply for the Emile Boutmy Scholarship in France 2021. The Emile Boutmy Scholarship is to undertake a Bachelors’s, Masters’s, and Ph.D. Degree from Science Po University. Science Po is a Higher Education University in Paris. Students from all the international students outside the European Union are eligible to apply. Science Po University hosts 14,000 Students – Half are International.
The name of scholarship under Sciences Po University is called Emile Boutmy Scholarship in France. The Duration of BS Scholarship is 3 Years, MS Degree is of 2 years & Ph.D. is of 3 years. This is a premium Scholarship in France for international students.
All-Academic Fields are Available Entirely in the English Language, No Need to Speak Frech to enroll in these programs. The scholarship will be given to Top Best Candidates in the Application pool. Many Majord/Fields are available under this scholarship.
Another Good Scholarship in France is also accepting applications you can check 527 Masters Ph.D. Post Doc Scholarships in France (Fully Funded). More further information is given below.
Country: Paris, France
University: Science Po University
Course Level: Bachelor, Master & PhD
Deadline: Dec 6, 2020 (Master, PhD Degree), Feb 28, 2021 (Bachelor Degree)
Level of study:
· Bachelor
· Master
· PhD.
Fields of study:
The Following academic Fields of Study and these schools of education are available at Sciences Po University.
Ph.D. Degree Program
The Ph.D. Degree in Economics at the Sciences Po Doctoral School is taught in English.
Undergraduate, Masters, PhD
· School of International Affairs
· School of Public Affairs
· School of Management & Innovation
· Law School
· Urban School
· Doctoral School
Check King Abdulaziz Scholarship in Saudi Arabia 2021 for MS, PhD | Fully Funded
Emile Boutmy Scholarship in France Offers Scholarships for Bachelors’s, Masters & Ph.D. Programs. Please Check the Details for Scholarships Benefits give below.
Benefits for Bachelors:
· A Tuition Grant of €7,300 Per Year for the Three Years of the Undergraduate Program, in addition to a grant to cover part of the Cost of Living of €5000 per year.
· A tuition grant of €7,300 Per Year for the Three Years of the Undergraduate Program.
· A tuition grant of €5,000 Per Year for the Three Years of the Undergraduate Program.
· A tuition grant of €3,000 Per Year for the Three Years of the Undergraduate Program.
Benefits for Masters:
· A Grant of €10,000 Per Year to Cover Tuition Fees for the Two Years of the Masters
· A Tuition Grant of €5,000 Per Year for the Two Years of the Masters.
Note: Students must indicate that they are applying for the Emile Boutmy scholarship in the “Financial information” section of their Sciences Po application.
Eligibility criteria
To be eligible for the scholarship, students must be, first time applicants, from a non-European Union state, whose household does not file taxes within the European Union, and who have been admitted to the Undergraduate or Master’s program.
· The scholarship may not be combined with other scholarships (Eiffel scholarship, AEFE scholarship, BGF…) unless otherwise decided by the jury.
· This scholarship is awarded based on merit and according to the type of profile sought for this program. Social criteria are also taken into account.
· This scholarship is not automatically awarded: candidates must indicate their wish to apply directly in their online bachelor or master’s application form.
Application instructions:
The Application Process is Online. To apply for the Scholarship, you need to visit the Official website of the Emile Boutmy Science Po Scholarship.
Apply Now
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Deadline: Dec 6, 2020 (Master, PhD Degree), Feb 28, 2021 (Bachelor Degree)
آیت الله - August 13, 2020
بسیار تشکر از همکاری شما
سیدیاسبن - August 13, 2020
ضمن عرض سلام واحترام خدمت شما …
سیدیاسین عبدالهی هستم میخواهم دراین بورسبه شرکت نمایم …
پیشاپیش ازلطف وهمکاری همه جانبه تان ابرازتشکروامتنان می نمایم …
مؤفق وشادکام باشید …
سیدیاسین - August 13, 2020
ضمن عرض سلام واحترام خدمت شما …
سیدیاسین عبدالهی هستم میخواهم دراین بورسبه شرکت نمایم …
پیشاپیش ازلطف وهمکاری همه جانبه تان ابرازتشکروامتنان می نمایم …
مؤفق وشادکام باشید …
ظریفه - August 15, 2020
از اطلاع رسانی تان بسیار تشکر
Ibrahim - September 11, 2020
ممنونم بابت اطلاع رسانی تان لطف کردین
Fahima - September 11, 2020
Plis help me
فرید قریشی - September 15, 2020
تشکر از معلومات شما
Anonymous - October 6, 2020
سلام خدمت شما
سودابه هستم از بدخشان ميخواهم دراين بورسيه شركت نمايم تشكر ازشما
sodaba - October 6, 2020
سلام خدمت شما سودابه هستم ازبدخشان ميخواهم دراين بورسيه نمايم ت
تشكر ازشما
Azizullah - October 6, 2020
تشکر از معلومات تان
ihsankhan - November 6, 2020
Hi i am ahsan from Afghanistan and passed from 2nd year i want to continous my study i apply now for scholarship
Rahima - November 9, 2020
I live with my mother l dont have money to study for this l want to aplly in this scholarship
Safiullah - November 13, 2020
My name is Safiullah. I am from Afghanistan. This is a war. I want to get out of here. Please help. My life is in danger. I want to teach. I want to serve. I am an enlightened person. I am a good person. Please help.
محمدالله پویا - November 14, 2020
هدف از ماستری خواندن من در فرانسه ادامه
موضوعات که در بخش فزیک به دانشگاه هرات
. تا اینکه فز یک را خوب بفهمم و مصدر خدمت درکشورم شود
پریسا - November 17, 2020
پریسا عارفی هستم چهارده پاس در رشته فارمسی و مدیریت نظر به شوق و علاقه ای که به تحصیل دارم بخاطر مشکلات اقتصادی و امنیتی نتوانستم به درس های خود ادامه بدهم اما امید دارم یک روزی موفق میشوم .بخاطر همین خواهشا اگر امکان داشته باشد من شامل این بورسیه شوم خیلی در حق ام نیکی میکنید .
Hadi - November 19, 2020
Thanks for giving us chance
محمد ظریف - November 22, 2020
محمد ظریف - November 22, 2020
بسیار عالی
Ab.Satar Farzan - November 30, 2020
It is great.
This programe is very important for me..
I beleve I can…
fereshthe - November 30, 2020
pisik dpartment education facolthe
فردین - November 30, 2020
آیا باید از کلاس 12 فارغ باشی و زبان انگلیسی هم بلد باشی؟
Azatullah.haqdoost - November 30, 2020
عزت الله حقدوست از ولایت دایکندی محصل سال دوم پوهنتون پکتیا پوهنځی تعلیم تربیه دیپارتمند زبان وادبیات فارسی دری میباشم افتخار دارم بقیه تحصیلاتم را در فرانسه ادامه بدهم
Malika - December 1, 2020
خیلی ممنون بابت این بورسیه شما
که شرایط رو محیا کردین که ما بتوانیم در بهترین مکان به تحصیلات خود ادامه بدهیم
صدیق الله صدیقی - December 1, 2020
من میخواهم ادامه تحصیل نمایم چهاده پاس هستم در بخش زراعت امکان داره یانه
ادریس - December 3, 2020
سلام خدمت شما من آرزو دارم شما برنامه های ماستری شوم تابتوانم به یک نوعی دروست به مردم خود خدمت کنم از کمک و همکاری شما ممنونم
Zahershah - December 3, 2020
I like it
Zahershah - December 3, 2020
I like it .this is very good
Ahmad Jawed Is-haqzai - December 6, 2020
I’m studying my mastery degree in international relations in Rusia and I would like to continue my PHD in Europe
محمد ضیا نورب - December 6, 2020
چه نوع اشخاص واجد شرایط است
معلومات ارایه نمایید لطفا
Amin nabizada - December 7, 2020
سلام محترم لطفن درباره تحصیل ذکر شده بیشتر معلومات بدهید تشکر.
Mawlooda - January 1, 2021
I want this because i am afghan girl and study in afghanistan is very hard
Emran - January 1, 2021
Hello I want to study in paris field Paris school international affairs!
Please help me how to apply this bourse.
Sharif ullah anwari - January 2, 2021
بسیار خوب است
Anonymous - January 2, 2021
I am from afghanistan .high school pol
Fatima Rezaie - January 3, 2021
Hi, does it need TOEFL score?
Siamoy shafahy - January 3, 2021
سلام و عرض ادب خدمت شما میخواهم بورسیه لیسانس قابلگی
Fatima - February 23, 2021
ده افغانستان خیلی درس خاندن آسان است اما کار کردن خیلی مشکل اگر در خارج درس بیخانیم انجا کار زیاد تر پیدا میشه
Fatima - February 23, 2021
ده افغانستان خیلی درس خاندن آسان است اما کار کردن خیلی مشکل اگر در خارج درس بیخانیم انجا کار زیاد تر پیدا میشه مه زیاد خوش دارم خارج از کشور درس بیخانم نامزادم ام تشویق میکنه به درس خاندن
Nazifa Majeed - February 23, 2021
Hello dear honored!
Since I am undergraduate student at Asian university for women and it’s my second year of undergraduate and i would like to apply for bachelor in france. Is it possible and is it full scholarship because I cannot effort the cost by myself. If yes please let me know because I really interested
راحله - February 23, 2021
سلام وقت بخیر خدمت تمام شما کارکنان عزیز من علاقه مندی زیاد به درس وتحصل دارم بنابر شرایط و ضع مالی نمی توانم به تحصلاتم ادامه بدهم فقط تا صنف دوازده راخواندم حالا میتوانم دراین بورسیه ها شرکت کنم
Baryalai - February 23, 2021
Ok i wana go
Mohibullah - February 24, 2021
Hello i leove in france
Ibrahim - February 25, 2021
من بسیار تشکر میکنم
Nadima Quraishi - February 25, 2021
I like study to faransa
Husna behzad - February 25, 2021
Plece hilp me
Roshan ddin - February 25, 2021
Hi dear I want to study in bachelor in County scholarship farance
Abh - February 26, 2021
Is this free I mean at all level
Nasib ahmad - February 27, 2021
I amnasib ahmad hamyar
I amthe third semester of economy in kabul university and i want to ends my studying in france
mohamad alyas - February 27, 2021
Hi I laik
mohamad alyas - February 27, 2021
Hi ilaik
Qurban Ali - February 28, 2021
Anonymous - February 28, 2021
آیا کدام صفحه تلگرامی دارید؟
Mushtaq - February 28, 2021
I need to this.
Saifullah Sadiq - March 1, 2021
I want to get Master degree education in Frace the cause is that it is the excelent country for getting of education.