Pakistan Scholarship Exam Postponed

According to Mohammad Sadiq Pakistan Prime Minister Special representative for Afghanistan, and JKhan Pakistan Higher Education Commission Project direct tweets, The exam of the Pakistan Allama Mohammadi Iqbal Scholarship which was scheduled for January 15 to 19, 2021 to be held in Kabul, Jalalabad, Mazar-i- Sharif, Kandahar, Herat is postponed.

The new date will be announced later. It is estimated to be announced in February 2021.

Allama Muhammad iqbal scholarship for Afghan students test scheduled on 15-19 January 2021 in Afghanistan has been postponed. The exam will possibly be held in February. The date will be communicated later. More than 22000 students have applied for the scholarship program.

Each year Pakistan government offers 3000 Scholarships for Afghanistan students under the name of Allama Iqbal Sasacholarships.

This Scholarships program is offered for undergraduate, master, and Ph.D. degrees at all universities of Pakistan. It is one of the most demanded scholarships for Afghanistan students that annually over 30000 Students apply to this scholarship.


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