Human Rights Essay Award 2021 for Law Graduates at American University Washington College of Law

Brief Description:

The Academy on Human Rights and Humanitarian Law at American University Washington College of Law is calling for papers for the Human Rights Essay Award 2021. With the academy’s sponsorship, this annual competition (“the award”) seeks to encourage the promotion of scholarly work in international human rights law. Therefore, if you hold a law degree and are keen for such awards, it is a unique opportunity to participate.

Essay Award Topic for 2021: Human Rights and States of Emergency: Unexpected Crisis and New Challenges


Opportunity Type: Partially Funded

Language Requirement: Not Required

Submission deadline: 1 February 2021 (11:59 PM EST)

Organizer: American University Washington College of Law

Number of finalist essays: 3

Result announcement: 2nd April 2021


The Academy will confer two Awards, one for the best article in English and one for the best article in Spanish. The Award in each case will consist of:

·        A full scholarship to the Program of Advanced Studies on Human Rights and Humanitarian Law for either the Diploma or Certificate of Attendance options

·        Travel costs to and from Washington D.C.

·        Accommodation at the university dorms

·        Per diem for living costs

·        The best articles may also be broadcast in the American University International Law Review.

The presentation of the Award will occur during the closing ceremony of the Program of Advanced Studies in Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, United States.




·        Participants of the Award must hold a law degree and demonstrate a clear experience or interest in international human rights law.

·        Past Winners are not eligible to enter the competition.

·        Candidates must choose a subject relevant to the topic defined by the Academy for the year.

·        Participants will enjoy the flexibility to choose any subject pertaining to the substantive law relevant to the field. Candidates can include international humanitarian law and international criminal law to further understanding of international human rights law in their papers. The paper must be within the range of the topic.

·        The essay must be an unpublished legal article/paper in English or Spanish written merely by that candidate.

·        Only one submission per applicant in either language is permissive.

·        And, if more than one article is received, the applicant will have to decide which article to officially submit. In case the applicant does not indicate a preference, the first article received by the Academy will be the one considered for the competition.



·        The papers must not be longer than 35 pages, including footnotes; otherwise, it would be disqualified.

·        Essays must use Times New Roman font, 12-point double-spaced for the body of the essay, and 10-point single-spaced for footnotes.

·        Character spacing must be normal.

·        All essays must be on letter-size paper (8.5 x 11 inches/21.59 x 27.94 cm) with 1 inch (2.54 cm) margins all around.

·        Any essay not following the rules will be reformatted, with the deduction of 5 points.

·        The essay has to be a legal article; therefore, it will include foot pages and citations. The absence of those will cause the disqualification of the essay.

·        The acceptable format to cite sources is in single-spaced footnotes.

·        Authors should not insert their name or any identifying information in their essays.

·        And, essays will only be accepted in Word Format.

Selection and evaluation

The consisting of professionals with a demonstrated expertise in international human rights law Jury that will select the winner of the Award.

There will be a pre-selection committee that will review all of the accepted articles and select the final three that will be considered by the Honor Jury.

You can also visit the official link for further details about the award

How to Apply?

Applicants must submit their essays electronically via the below link. The organizer accepts no email submission.

Submit HERE.

Additionally, each candidate must also include a curriculum vita not exceeding three pages elucidating the experience or interest of the author in human rights issues. Please submit the CV as a separate file from your paper. Don’t submit any extra materials.

The Academy will inform via e-mail that it has received all articles.

Deadline: 1 February 2021 (11:59 PM EST)

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