Argentina hosts the South American Business Forum

Brief Description:

The application period for the South American Business Forum is now open (SABF). SABF is an annual conference/event in Buenos Aires, Argentina, that brings together 100 excellent university students from around the world, as well as 40 business, political, and academic leaders.
Scholarship Details:

Opportunity Type: Partially Funded

Language Requirement: Not Required

Language of Instruction: English and Spanish

Deadline: April 17, 2022

Target participants: University students

Hosting: University: Instituto Tecnologico, de Buenos Aires

Program dates: July 29-31, 2022

The program content:

The three-day program contains:

Short games and activities to connect participants to get to know each other

Workshops: Workshops organized in smaller groups to acquire new creativity skills and tools.

Practical knowledge talks: practical knowledge shared by speakers

Speakers talks

Work time

Participants presentation

The main topic of 2022: A wired Society

You may have heard that  “the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.” And there is no better example than the behavior of societies, which we cannot describe by only considering the behavior of each individual. As every individual is wired, directly or indirectly, to millions of others forming networks, the most considerable difficulty relies on explaining effectively what this network is and how it behaves. What is it that connects us? Which variables act upon our behavior? How can we describe collective behaviors through these connections?

We can model society as a set of nodes, where each node represents one individual, which can then connect to any other node. How do these nodes add value to these networks? It is undoubtedly not something that solely depends on the individuals themselves, but the quality of the connections they can establish. The contribution of several contributors amplifies results obtained in what is known as the network effect. However, this massive contribution drastically increases the variables in play, which gives these networks a rather chaotical nature. Which valuable opportunities arise in these ever-expanding networks? Which benefits can we find in such systems? Will we ever be able to build sufficiently precise models to predict to some extent the collective behavior?

Both the individual and collective bearings of societies morph continuously to adapt to a context distinguished by the effect of networks. How can we remain relevant in a system where we are merely one more node in the net? Up to what extent can we maintain an unbiased perspective in a world in which connections shape our thoughts and behaviors? How will we organize socially and economically in light of rapid technological developments? Veiled in the answers that we give to these questions is the path that we will transit soon.


·        Avatarism

·        The Paradox of Connection

·        Towards Decentralization


·        Accommodation in a hotel

·        Local Transport from hotel to and from Forum venue

·        Meals

Important: The transportation expenses to and from Buenos Aires are not covered. There are different ways to get funds for transportation to Buenos Aires.

We encourage you to look for your own way of sponsorship through universities, companies, student foundations, airlines, embassies, or even crowdfunding campaigns! The South American Business Forum (SABF) Organizing Team will provide you with all the assistance you may need in order to get funds.



Applicants applying to South American Business forum should meet the following criteria:

·        Born after January 1, 1995

·        Be a regular undergraduate or graduate student or have graduated in 2022 or 2021.

·        Complete the application process before deadline


How to Apply?

Applicants interested in participating in this great event, should Apply online following the steps below:

·        Click on Apply Now

·        Create a user

·        Complete the application

·        Write the discussion

·        Wait for results

·        Apply now


Deadline: April 17, 2022

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